Enum ConsoleColors
All 255 console colors
Namespace: Terminaux.Colors.Data
Assembly: Terminaux.dll
public enum ConsoleColors
Name | Description |
Aqua | [#00ffff] Represents the Aqua color with the RGB value of 0;255;255 |
Aquamarine1 | [#5fffd7] Represents the Aquamarine1 color with the RGB value of 95;255;215 |
Aquamarine1Alt | [#87ffd7] Represents the Aquamarine1Alt color with the RGB value of 135;255;215 |
Aquamarine3 | [#5fd7af] Represents the Aquamarine3 color with the RGB value of 95;215;175 |
Black | [#000000] Represents the Black color with the RGB value of 0;0;0 |
Blue | [#0000ff] Represents the Blue color with the RGB value of 0;0;255 |
Blue1 | [#0000ff] Represents the Blue1 color with the RGB value of 0;0;255 |
Blue3 | [#0000af] Represents the Blue3 color with the RGB value of 0;0;175 |
Blue3Alt | [#0000d7] Represents the Blue3Alt color with the RGB value of 0;0;215 |
BlueViolet | [#5f00ff] Represents the BlueViolet color with the RGB value of 95;0;255 |
CadetBlue | [#5faf87] Represents the CadetBlue color with the RGB value of 95;175;135 |
CadetBlueAlt | [#5fafaf] Represents the CadetBlueAlt color with the RGB value of 95;175;175 |
Chartreuse1 | [#87ff00] Represents the Chartreuse1 color with the RGB value of 135;255;0 |
Chartreuse2 | [#5fff00] Represents the Chartreuse2 color with the RGB value of 95;255;0 |
Chartreuse2Alt | [#87d700] Represents the Chartreuse2Alt color with the RGB value of 135;215;0 |
Chartreuse3 | [#5faf00] Represents the Chartreuse3 color with the RGB value of 95;175;0 |
Chartreuse3Alt | [#5fd700] Represents the Chartreuse3Alt color with the RGB value of 95;215;0 |
Chartreuse4 | [#5f8700] Represents the Chartreuse4 color with the RGB value of 95;135;0 |
CornflowerBlue | [#5f87ff] Represents the CornflowerBlue color with the RGB value of 95;135;255 |
Cornsilk1 | [#ffffd7] Represents the Cornsilk1 color with the RGB value of 255;255;215 |
Cyan1 | [#00ffff] Represents the Cyan1 color with the RGB value of 0;255;255 |
Cyan2 | [#00ffd7] Represents the Cyan2 color with the RGB value of 0;255;215 |
Cyan3 | [#00d7af] Represents the Cyan3 color with the RGB value of 0;215;175 |
DarkBlue | [#000087] Represents the DarkBlue color with the RGB value of 0;0;135 |
DarkCyan | [#00af87] Represents the DarkCyan color with the RGB value of 0;175;135 |
DarkGoldenrod | [#af8700] Represents the DarkGoldenrod color with the RGB value of 175;135;0 |
DarkGreen | [#005f00] Represents the DarkGreen color with the RGB value of 0;95;0 |
DarkKhaki | [#afaf5f] Represents the DarkKhaki color with the RGB value of 175;175;95 |
DarkMagenta | [#870087] Represents the DarkMagenta color with the RGB value of 135;0;135 |
DarkMagentaAlt | [#8700af] Represents the DarkMagentaAlt color with the RGB value of 135;0;175 |
DarkOliveGreen1 | [#d7ff5f] Represents the DarkOliveGreen1 color with the RGB value of 215;255;95 |
DarkOliveGreen1Alt | [#d7ff87] Represents the DarkOliveGreen1Alt color with the RGB value of 215;255;135 |
DarkOliveGreen2 | [#afff5f] Represents the DarkOliveGreen2 color with the RGB value of 175;255;95 |
DarkOliveGreen3 | [#87af5f] Represents the DarkOliveGreen3 color with the RGB value of 135;175;95 |
DarkOliveGreen3Alt | [#87d75f] Represents the DarkOliveGreen3Alt color with the RGB value of 135;215;95 |
DarkOliveGreen3Alt2 | [#afd75f] Represents the DarkOliveGreen3Alt2 color with the RGB value of 175;215;95 |
DarkOrange | [#ff8700] Represents the DarkOrange color with the RGB value of 255;135;0 |
DarkOrange3 | [#af5f00] Represents the DarkOrange3 color with the RGB value of 175;95;0 |
DarkOrange3Alt | [#d75f00] Represents the DarkOrange3Alt color with the RGB value of 215;95;0 |
DarkRed | [#5f0000] Represents the DarkRed color with the RGB value of 95;0;0 |
DarkRedAlt | [#870000] Represents the DarkRedAlt color with the RGB value of 135;0;0 |
DarkSeaGreen | [#87af87] Represents the DarkSeaGreen color with the RGB value of 135;175;135 |
DarkSeaGreen1 | [#afffd7] Represents the DarkSeaGreen1 color with the RGB value of 175;255;215 |
DarkSeaGreen1Alt | [#d7ffaf] Represents the DarkSeaGreen1Alt color with the RGB value of 215;255;175 |
DarkSeaGreen2 | [#afd7af] Represents the DarkSeaGreen2 color with the RGB value of 175;215;175 |
DarkSeaGreen2Alt | [#afffaf] Represents the DarkSeaGreen2Alt color with the RGB value of 175;255;175 |
DarkSeaGreen3 | [#87d7af] Represents the DarkSeaGreen3 color with the RGB value of 135;215;175 |
DarkSeaGreen3Alt | [#afd787] Represents the DarkSeaGreen3Alt color with the RGB value of 175;215;135 |
DarkSeaGreen4 | [#5f875f] Represents the DarkSeaGreen4 color with the RGB value of 95;135;95 |
DarkSeaGreen4Alt | [#5faf5f] Represents the DarkSeaGreen4Alt color with the RGB value of 95;175;95 |
DarkSlateGray1 | [#87ffff] Represents the DarkSlateGray1 color with the RGB value of 135;255;255 |
DarkSlateGray2 | [#5fffff] Represents the DarkSlateGray2 color with the RGB value of 95;255;255 |
DarkSlateGray3 | [#87d7d7] Represents the DarkSlateGray3 color with the RGB value of 135;215;215 |
DarkTurquoise | [#00d7d7] Represents the DarkTurquoise color with the RGB value of 0;215;215 |
DarkViolet | [#8700d7] Represents the DarkViolet color with the RGB value of 135;0;215 |
DarkVioletAlt | [#af00d7] Represents the DarkVioletAlt color with the RGB value of 175;0;215 |
DeepPink1 | [#ff0087] Represents the DeepPink1 color with the RGB value of 255;0;135 |
DeepPink1Alt | [#ff00af] Represents the DeepPink1Alt color with the RGB value of 255;0;175 |
DeepPink2 | [#ff005f] Represents the DeepPink2 color with the RGB value of 255;0;95 |
DeepPink3 | [#d7005f] Represents the DeepPink3 color with the RGB value of 215;0;95 |
DeepPink3Alt | [#d70087] Represents the DeepPink3Alt color with the RGB value of 215;0;135 |
DeepPink4 | [#5f005f] Represents the DeepPink4 color with the RGB value of 95;0;95 |
DeepPink4Alt | [#87005f] Represents the DeepPink4Alt color with the RGB value of 135;0;95 |
DeepPink4Alt2 | [#af005f] Represents the DeepPink4Alt2 color with the RGB value of 175;0;95 |
DeepSkyBlue1 | [#00afff] Represents the DeepSkyBlue1 color with the RGB value of 0;175;255 |
DeepSkyBlue2 | [#00afd7] Represents the DeepSkyBlue2 color with the RGB value of 0;175;215 |
DeepSkyBlue3 | [#0087af] Represents the DeepSkyBlue3 color with the RGB value of 0;135;175 |
DeepSkyBlue3Alt | [#0087d7] Represents the DeepSkyBlue3Alt color with the RGB value of 0;135;215 |
DeepSkyBlue4 | [#005f5f] Represents the DeepSkyBlue4 color with the RGB value of 0;95;95 |
DeepSkyBlue4Alt | [#005f87] Represents the DeepSkyBlue4Alt color with the RGB value of 0;95;135 |
DeepSkyBlue4Alt2 | [#005faf] Represents the DeepSkyBlue4Alt2 color with the RGB value of 0;95;175 |
DodgerBlue1 | [#0087ff] Represents the DodgerBlue1 color with the RGB value of 0;135;255 |
DodgerBlue2 | [#005fff] Represents the DodgerBlue2 color with the RGB value of 0;95;255 |
DodgerBlue3 | [#005fd7] Represents the DodgerBlue3 color with the RGB value of 0;95;215 |
Fuchsia | [#ff00ff] Represents the Fuchsia color with the RGB value of 255;0;255 |
Gold1 | [#ffd700] Represents the Gold1 color with the RGB value of 255;215;0 |
Gold3 | [#afaf00] Represents the Gold3 color with the RGB value of 175;175;0 |
Gold3Alt | [#d7af00] Represents the Gold3Alt color with the RGB value of 215;175;0 |
Green | [#008000] Represents the Green color with the RGB value of 0;128;0 |
Green1 | [#00ff00] Represents the Green1 color with the RGB value of 0;255;0 |
Green3 | [#00af00] Represents the Green3 color with the RGB value of 0;175;0 |
Green3Alt | [#00d700] Represents the Green3Alt color with the RGB value of 0;215;0 |
Green4 | [#008700] Represents the Green4 color with the RGB value of 0;135;0 |
GreenYellow | [#afff00] Represents the GreenYellow color with the RGB value of 175;255;0 |
Grey | [#808080] Represents the Grey color with the RGB value of 128;128;128 |
Grey0 | [#000000] Represents the Grey0 color with the RGB value of 0;0;0 |
Grey100 | [#ffffff] Represents the Grey100 color with the RGB value of 255;255;255 |
Grey11 | [#1c1c1c] Represents the Grey11 color with the RGB value of 28;28;28 |
Grey15 | [#262626] Represents the Grey15 color with the RGB value of 38;38;38 |
Grey19 | [#303030] Represents the Grey19 color with the RGB value of 48;48;48 |
Grey23 | [#3a3a3a] Represents the Grey23 color with the RGB value of 58;58;58 |
Grey27 | [#444444] Represents the Grey27 color with the RGB value of 68;68;68 |
Grey3 | [#080808] Represents the Grey3 color with the RGB value of 8;8;8 |
Grey30 | [#4e4e4e] Represents the Grey30 color with the RGB value of 78;78;78 |
Grey35 | [#585858] Represents the Grey35 color with the RGB value of 88;88;88 |
Grey37 | [#5f5f5f] Represents the Grey37 color with the RGB value of 95;95;95 |
Grey39 | [#626262] Represents the Grey39 color with the RGB value of 98;98;98 |
Grey42 | [#6c6c6c] Represents the Grey42 color with the RGB value of 108;108;108 |
Grey46 | [#767676] Represents the Grey46 color with the RGB value of 118;118;118 |
Grey50 | [#808080] Represents the Grey50 color with the RGB value of 128;128;128 |
Grey53 | [#878787] Represents the Grey53 color with the RGB value of 135;135;135 |
Grey54 | [#8a8a8a] Represents the Grey54 color with the RGB value of 138;138;138 |
Grey58 | [#949494] Represents the Grey58 color with the RGB value of 148;148;148 |
Grey62 | [#9e9e9e] Represents the Grey62 color with the RGB value of 158;158;158 |
Grey63 | [#af87af] Represents the Grey63 color with the RGB value of 175;135;175 |
Grey66 | [#a8a8a8] Represents the Grey66 color with the RGB value of 168;168;168 |
Grey69 | [#afafaf] Represents the Grey69 color with the RGB value of 175;175;175 |
Grey7 | [#121212] Represents the Grey7 color with the RGB value of 18;18;18 |
Grey70 | [#b2b2b2] Represents the Grey70 color with the RGB value of 178;178;178 |
Grey74 | [#bcbcbc] Represents the Grey74 color with the RGB value of 188;188;188 |
Grey78 | [#c6c6c6] Represents the Grey78 color with the RGB value of 198;198;198 |
Grey82 | [#d0d0d0] Represents the Grey82 color with the RGB value of 208;208;208 |
Grey84 | [#d7d7d7] Represents the Grey84 color with the RGB value of 215;215;215 |
Grey85 | [#dadada] Represents the Grey85 color with the RGB value of 218;218;218 |
Grey89 | [#e4e4e4] Represents the Grey89 color with the RGB value of 228;228;228 |
Grey93 | [#eeeeee] Represents the Grey93 color with the RGB value of 238;238;238 |
Honeydew2 | [#d7ffd7] Represents the Honeydew2 color with the RGB value of 215;255;215 |
HotPink | [#ff5faf] Represents the HotPink color with the RGB value of 255;95;175 |
HotPink2 | [#d75faf] Represents the HotPink2 color with the RGB value of 215;95;175 |
HotPink3 | [#af5f87] Represents the HotPink3 color with the RGB value of 175;95;135 |
HotPink3Alt | [#d75f87] Represents the HotPink3Alt color with the RGB value of 215;95;135 |
HotPinkAlt | [#ff5fd7] Represents the HotPinkAlt color with the RGB value of 255;95;215 |
IndianRed | [#af5f5f] Represents the IndianRed color with the RGB value of 175;95;95 |
IndianRed1 | [#ff5f5f] Represents the IndianRed1 color with the RGB value of 255;95;95 |
IndianRed1Alt | [#ff5f87] Represents the IndianRed1Alt color with the RGB value of 255;95;135 |
IndianRedAlt | [#d75f5f] Represents the IndianRedAlt color with the RGB value of 215;95;95 |
Khaki1 | [#ffff87] Represents the Khaki1 color with the RGB value of 255;255;135 |
Khaki3 | [#d7d75f] Represents the Khaki3 color with the RGB value of 215;215;95 |
LightCoral | [#ff8787] Represents the LightCoral color with the RGB value of 255;135;135 |
LightCyan1 | [#d7ffff] Represents the LightCyan1 color with the RGB value of 215;255;255 |
LightCyan3 | [#afd7d7] Represents the LightCyan3 color with the RGB value of 175;215;215 |
LightGoldenrod1 | [#ffff5f] Represents the LightGoldenrod1 color with the RGB value of 255;255;95 |
LightGoldenrod2 | [#d7d787] Represents the LightGoldenrod2 color with the RGB value of 215;215;135 |
LightGoldenrod2Alt | [#ffd75f] Represents the LightGoldenrod2Alt color with the RGB value of 255;215;95 |
LightGoldenrod2Alt2 | [#ffd787] Represents the LightGoldenrod2Alt2 color with the RGB value of 255;215;135 |
LightGoldenrod3 | [#d7af5f] Represents the LightGoldenrod3 color with the RGB value of 215;175;95 |
LightGreen | [#87ff5f] Represents the LightGreen color with the RGB value of 135;255;95 |
LightGreenAlt | [#87ff87] Represents the LightGreenAlt color with the RGB value of 135;255;135 |
LightPink1 | [#ffafaf] Represents the LightPink1 color with the RGB value of 255;175;175 |
LightPink3 | [#d78787] Represents the LightPink3 color with the RGB value of 215;135;135 |
LightPink4 | [#875f5f] Represents the LightPink4 color with the RGB value of 135;95;95 |
LightSalmon1 | [#ffaf87] Represents the LightSalmon1 color with the RGB value of 255;175;135 |
LightSalmon3 | [#af875f] Represents the LightSalmon3 color with the RGB value of 175;135;95 |
LightSalmon3Alt | [#d7875f] Represents the LightSalmon3Alt color with the RGB value of 215;135;95 |
LightSeaGreen | [#00afaf] Represents the LightSeaGreen color with the RGB value of 0;175;175 |
LightSkyBlue1 | [#afd7ff] Represents the LightSkyBlue1 color with the RGB value of 175;215;255 |
LightSkyBlue3 | [#87afaf] Represents the LightSkyBlue3 color with the RGB value of 135;175;175 |
LightSkyBlue3Alt | [#87afd7] Represents the LightSkyBlue3Alt color with the RGB value of 135;175;215 |
LightSlateBlue | [#8787ff] Represents the LightSlateBlue color with the RGB value of 135;135;255 |
LightSlateGrey | [#8787af] Represents the LightSlateGrey color with the RGB value of 135;135;175 |
LightSteelBlue | [#afafff] Represents the LightSteelBlue color with the RGB value of 175;175;255 |
LightSteelBlue1 | [#d7d7ff] Represents the LightSteelBlue1 color with the RGB value of 215;215;255 |
LightSteelBlue3 | [#afafd7] Represents the LightSteelBlue3 color with the RGB value of 175;175;215 |
LightYellow3 | [#d7d7af] Represents the LightYellow3 color with the RGB value of 215;215;175 |
Lime | [#00ff00] Represents the Lime color with the RGB value of 0;255;0 |
Magenta1 | [#ff00ff] Represents the Magenta1 color with the RGB value of 255;0;255 |
Magenta2 | [#d700ff] Represents the Magenta2 color with the RGB value of 215;0;255 |
Magenta2Alt | [#ff00d7] Represents the Magenta2Alt color with the RGB value of 255;0;215 |
Magenta3 | [#af00af] Represents the Magenta3 color with the RGB value of 175;0;175 |
Magenta3Alt | [#d700af] Represents the Magenta3Alt color with the RGB value of 215;0;175 |
Magenta3Alt2 | [#d700d7] Represents the Magenta3Alt2 color with the RGB value of 215;0;215 |
Maroon | [#800000] Represents the Maroon color with the RGB value of 128;0;0 |
MediumOrchid | [#af5fd7] Represents the MediumOrchid color with the RGB value of 175;95;215 |
MediumOrchid1 | [#d75fff] Represents the MediumOrchid1 color with the RGB value of 215;95;255 |
MediumOrchid1Alt | [#ff5fff] Represents the MediumOrchid1Alt color with the RGB value of 255;95;255 |
MediumOrchid3 | [#af5faf] Represents the MediumOrchid3 color with the RGB value of 175;95;175 |
MediumPurple | [#8787d7] Represents the MediumPurple color with the RGB value of 135;135;215 |
MediumPurple1 | [#af87ff] Represents the MediumPurple1 color with the RGB value of 175;135;255 |
MediumPurple2 | [#af5fff] Represents the MediumPurple2 color with the RGB value of 175;95;255 |
MediumPurple2Alt | [#af87d7] Represents the MediumPurple2Alt color with the RGB value of 175;135;215 |
MediumPurple3 | [#875faf] Represents the MediumPurple3 color with the RGB value of 135;95;175 |
MediumPurple3Alt | [#875fd7] Represents the MediumPurple3Alt color with the RGB value of 135;95;215 |
MediumPurple4 | [#5f5f87] Represents the MediumPurple4 color with the RGB value of 95;95;135 |
MediumSpringGreen | [#00ffaf] Represents the MediumSpringGreen color with the RGB value of 0;255;175 |
MediumTurquoise | [#5fd7d7] Represents the MediumTurquoise color with the RGB value of 95;215;215 |
MediumVioletRed | [#af0087] Represents the MediumVioletRed color with the RGB value of 175;0;135 |
MistyRose1 | [#ffd7d7] Represents the MistyRose1 color with the RGB value of 255;215;215 |
MistyRose3 | [#d7afaf] Represents the MistyRose3 color with the RGB value of 215;175;175 |
NavajoWhite1 | [#ffd7af] Represents the NavajoWhite1 color with the RGB value of 255;215;175 |
NavajoWhite3 | [#afaf87] Represents the NavajoWhite3 color with the RGB value of 175;175;135 |
Navy | [#000080] Represents the Navy color with the RGB value of 0;0;128 |
NavyBlue | [#00005f] Represents the NavyBlue color with the RGB value of 0;0;95 |
Olive | [#808000] Represents the Olive color with the RGB value of 128;128;0 |
Orange1 | [#ffaf00] Represents the Orange1 color with the RGB value of 255;175;0 |
Orange3 | [#d78700] Represents the Orange3 color with the RGB value of 215;135;0 |
Orange4 | [#5f5f00] Represents the Orange4 color with the RGB value of 95;95;0 |
Orange4Alt | [#875f00] Represents the Orange4Alt color with the RGB value of 135;95;0 |
OrangeRed1 | [#ff5f00] Represents the OrangeRed1 color with the RGB value of 255;95;0 |
Orchid | [#d75fd7] Represents the Orchid color with the RGB value of 215;95;215 |
Orchid1 | [#ff87ff] Represents the Orchid1 color with the RGB value of 255;135;255 |
Orchid2 | [#ff87d7] Represents the Orchid2 color with the RGB value of 255;135;215 |
PaleGreen1 | [#87ffaf] Represents the PaleGreen1 color with the RGB value of 135;255;175 |
PaleGreen1Alt | [#afff87] Represents the PaleGreen1Alt color with the RGB value of 175;255;135 |
PaleGreen3 | [#5fd75f] Represents the PaleGreen3 color with the RGB value of 95;215;95 |
PaleGreen3Alt | [#87d787] Represents the PaleGreen3Alt color with the RGB value of 135;215;135 |
PaleTurquoise1 | [#afffff] Represents the PaleTurquoise1 color with the RGB value of 175;255;255 |
PaleTurquoise4 | [#5f8787] Represents the PaleTurquoise4 color with the RGB value of 95;135;135 |
PaleVioletRed1 | [#ff87af] Represents the PaleVioletRed1 color with the RGB value of 255;135;175 |
Pink1 | [#ffafd7] Represents the Pink1 color with the RGB value of 255;175;215 |
Pink3 | [#d787af] Represents the Pink3 color with the RGB value of 215;135;175 |
Plum1 | [#ffafff] Represents the Plum1 color with the RGB value of 255;175;255 |
Plum2 | [#d7afff] Represents the Plum2 color with the RGB value of 215;175;255 |
Plum3 | [#d787d7] Represents the Plum3 color with the RGB value of 215;135;215 |
Plum4 | [#875f87] Represents the Plum4 color with the RGB value of 135;95;135 |
Purple | [#800080] Represents the Purple color with the RGB value of 128;0;128 |
Purple3 | [#5f00d7] Represents the Purple3 color with the RGB value of 95;0;215 |
Purple4 | [#5f0087] Represents the Purple4 color with the RGB value of 95;0;135 |
Purple4Alt | [#5f00af] Represents the Purple4Alt color with the RGB value of 95;0;175 |
PurpleAlt | [#8700ff] Represents the PurpleAlt color with the RGB value of 135;0;255 |
PurpleAlt2 | [#af00ff] Represents the PurpleAlt2 color with the RGB value of 175;0;255 |
Red | [#ff0000] Represents the Red color with the RGB value of 255;0;0 |
Red1 | [#ff0000] Represents the Red1 color with the RGB value of 255;0;0 |
Red3 | [#af0000] Represents the Red3 color with the RGB value of 175;0;0 |
Red3Alt | [#d70000] Represents the Red3Alt color with the RGB value of 215;0;0 |
RosyBrown | [#af8787] Represents the RosyBrown color with the RGB value of 175;135;135 |
RoyalBlue1 | [#5f5fff] Represents the RoyalBlue1 color with the RGB value of 95;95;255 |
Salmon1 | [#ff875f] Represents the Salmon1 color with the RGB value of 255;135;95 |
SandyBrown | [#ffaf5f] Represents the SandyBrown color with the RGB value of 255;175;95 |
SeaGreen1 | [#5fff87] Represents the SeaGreen1 color with the RGB value of 95;255;135 |
SeaGreen1Alt | [#5fffaf] Represents the SeaGreen1Alt color with the RGB value of 95;255;175 |
SeaGreen2 | [#5fff5f] Represents the SeaGreen2 color with the RGB value of 95;255;95 |
SeaGreen3 | [#5fd787] Represents the SeaGreen3 color with the RGB value of 95;215;135 |
Silver | [#c0c0c0] Represents the Silver color with the RGB value of 192;192;192 |
SkyBlue1 | [#87d7ff] Represents the SkyBlue1 color with the RGB value of 135;215;255 |
SkyBlue2 | [#87afff] Represents the SkyBlue2 color with the RGB value of 135;175;255 |
SkyBlue3 | [#5fafd7] Represents the SkyBlue3 color with the RGB value of 95;175;215 |
SlateBlue1 | [#875fff] Represents the SlateBlue1 color with the RGB value of 135;95;255 |
SlateBlue3 | [#5f5faf] Represents the SlateBlue3 color with the RGB value of 95;95;175 |
SlateBlue3Alt | [#5f5fd7] Represents the SlateBlue3Alt color with the RGB value of 95;95;215 |
SpringGreen1 | [#00ff87] Represents the SpringGreen1 color with the RGB value of 0;255;135 |
SpringGreen2 | [#00d787] Represents the SpringGreen2 color with the RGB value of 0;215;135 |
SpringGreen2Alt | [#00ff5f] Represents the SpringGreen2Alt color with the RGB value of 0;255;95 |
SpringGreen3 | [#00af5f] Represents the SpringGreen3 color with the RGB value of 0;175;95 |
SpringGreen3Alt | [#00d75f] Represents the SpringGreen3Alt color with the RGB value of 0;215;95 |
SpringGreen4 | [#00875f] Represents the SpringGreen4 color with the RGB value of 0;135;95 |
SteelBlue | [#5f87af] Represents the SteelBlue color with the RGB value of 95;135;175 |
SteelBlue1 | [#5fafff] Represents the SteelBlue1 color with the RGB value of 95;175;255 |
SteelBlue1Alt | [#5fd7ff] Represents the SteelBlue1Alt color with the RGB value of 95;215;255 |
SteelBlue3 | [#5f87d7] Represents the SteelBlue3 color with the RGB value of 95;135;215 |
Tan | [#d7af87] Represents the Tan color with the RGB value of 215;175;135 |
Teal | [#008080] Represents the Teal color with the RGB value of 0;128;128 |
Thistle1 | [#ffd7ff] Represents the Thistle1 color with the RGB value of 255;215;255 |
Thistle3 | [#d7afd7] Represents the Thistle3 color with the RGB value of 215;175;215 |
Turquoise2 | [#00d7ff] Represents the Turquoise2 color with the RGB value of 0;215;255 |
Turquoise4 | [#008787] Represents the Turquoise4 color with the RGB value of 0;135;135 |
Violet | [#d787ff] Represents the Violet color with the RGB value of 215;135;255 |
Wheat1 | [#ffffaf] Represents the Wheat1 color with the RGB value of 255;255;175 |
Wheat4 | [#87875f] Represents the Wheat4 color with the RGB value of 135;135;95 |
White | [#ffffff] Represents the White color with the RGB value of 255;255;255 |
Yellow | [#ffff00] Represents the Yellow color with the RGB value of 255;255;0 |
Yellow1 | [#ffff00] Represents the Yellow1 color with the RGB value of 255;255;0 |
Yellow2 | [#d7ff00] Represents the Yellow2 color with the RGB value of 215;255;0 |
Yellow3 | [#afd700] Represents the Yellow3 color with the RGB value of 175;215;0 |
Yellow3Alt | [#d7d700] Represents the Yellow3Alt color with the RGB value of 215;215;0 |
Yellow4 | [#878700] Represents the Yellow4 color with the RGB value of 135;135;0 |
Yellow4Alt | [#87af00] Represents the Yellow4Alt color with the RGB value of 135;175;0 |